Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Mother's Nudge

The Trees are stirring
Evergreens glow.
Leaveless ones still sleeping.
The Maple's waking
Sap trudging upwards toward the sun.
Soon her blood will flow free.
The false Spring
Only a Mother's gentle nudge,
For her children to wake soon.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Small Town America

The light blinks red and yellow
At the intersection of small town America
Time slows down in the valley
Neighbors have time to wave 'hello'

In 30 years so little has changed
At the intersection of small town America
Time creeps by so slowly
Only a few things have been rearranged

I see our sons and daughters
At the intersection of small town America
Time seems to fly so fast
Now we are the mothers and fathers

Our jobs; the ones our parents had
At the intersection of small town America
Our children growing up together
Once we were the 'good' and 'bad'

Some love it here, some ride on through
At the intersection of small town America
The wind blows some to far off places
Some; this town out-grew

No matter where we've gone or seen
One of the things that never has changed
At the intersection of small town America
The light still blinks red and yellow.